
Dr. Norbu's seeing patients

Life goes on in the Tibetan plateau but with a postive change. The Dedan Clinic now has a doctor and a nurse. This wouldn't be possible without the encouraging feedback from our supporters. From the donations, Dr. Norbu, who is educated in both Tibetan and mordern medicine, is receiving Yuan 700 a month ($94). The nurse is receiving Yuan 150 a month($19.50). Here are some of the pictures that Don just sent, http://picasaweb.google.com/himalayanmentor/HealthClinicUpdate.

As you can see from the pictures, there is more to do and slowly but surely, we hope to fulfull the basic needs of the 700 villagers of Serlung-Bertse. From what we know, some of the needs are to improve the clinic's floors. You can see from some of the pictures, it is made of mud and could be upgraded. We also have plans to devise ways to plant vegetables by installing portable greenhouses. Now, does that bring up the idea to add a small technical school to do quick practical trainings on sustainable projects such as solar, irrigation systems, animal husbandry, etc.??

Again, we are very fortunate to have Dr. Norbu helping Dedan Clinic. Also, for us to realize that it is very difficult for remote areas of the highlands to attract and retain qualifed professionals such as doctors or teachers. This infomation comes from past experiences and projects. In fact, even after being paid three times the average, professionals usually don't stay and move-out. Dr. Norbu is also somebody who was brought up in Serlung and is fluent with the local culture, customs, and language. We will have more progress stories from his side in the future. Thuk-che and tashi delek.


Donors' names and amount as of May 7, 2007

Dekyi Lhamo Moebook - $41, Dawa Gyaltsen - $10, Rinchen Kheyab - $25, Sonam Pemba - $25, Dawa Phurbu - $65, Namgyal Dorjee & Tsering D - $50, Miwang & Tsering Rithar - $35, Jigmey - $25, Tenzing Yangdol - $40, Ngodop Chophel - $36, Dawa - $10, David Vala - $100, Thilay Chogyal - $106, Tenzin Tsephel - $5, Tenzin Paljor - $5, Tenzin Tashi - $15, Tsering Zingkha - $155, Dawa Tsering - $101, Tsering Yangzom - $100, Tenzin Chodon - $100, Sonam Ngodup - $100, Tsondi Kunga - $55, Tashi Chakpa - $50, Tsewang Rigzin - $59, Tenzin K. Chophel - $50, Palden Shallung - $50, Tsering Dorjee - $10, Sherab K. Deleng - $35, Karma Wangchuk - $55, Tenzin Sherab - $35 Dechen Bartso - $50, Tsultrim & Nawang Yehshopa - $51, Pema Dechen - $25, Norbu Kartsang - $25, Karma Phuntsog & Pema Tsomo - $20, Ugyen & Chukie - $105, Gelek & Dolma - $105, Sherab Tharchin - $105, Tsering Namgyal & Yangchen - $50, Maria L. Perussi - $50, Lobsang & Passang - $105, Tsamchoe & Tsewang - $55, Dechen Wangmo - $ 150, Tenzin & Jeanie Tsognyi - $500, Christine Donaugh - $100, Tashi & Kelsang N. Tsatultsang - $130, Phuntsog Yonten - $125, Sonam Dolma - $50, Lobsang Dhondup - $21

WE RAISED $3,370 and we thank you.

Wangchuk & Sonam Dorjee


$1,000 sent to Tibet through American friends

Thanks for your support, Portland's Tibetan community. We raised close to $3,000 several months ago and plan to do similar projects. Just recently, we had two of our long time friends, Kareen and Don Messerschmidt who visited Tibet. We sent $1,000 through them. Don is currently researching Tibetan Mastiffs or "dok-khi," that traditionally were sheep dogs on the Tibetan pleateau and the Himalayas. Here are a few related links to Dr. Don's past-present works and hobbies:

http://www.tmcamerica.org/ (save the dogs, dawg!)

We are indebted to the Messerschmidt family for not only helping with tranferring funds to our fellow needy Tibetans but also for their assistance extended to many new Tibetan families. Wangchukla can explain in great detail on how Dr. Don brought Tibetan refugees to the USA and helped with employment in the 1960's-70's. Sonamla would be more than happy to talk about Kareen and her congenial personality and how that eased the drastic cultural change for many Tibetans that immigrated in search of a better life. We absolutely hope such positive exchanges keep on taking place between geographical distances and cultures.