
Unused funds are being returned to donating companies.

This announcement was sent through Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon's
Office of Diversity Affairs. Please direct your questions to the contact
information in the document below.

You can also go to the Mayor's Office of Diversity Affairs Website to see
all diversity events or to add your event to the Diversity calendar. <> (Press CTRL and
click on the link)


Unused funds are being returned to donating companies.

*A large amount of scholarship money that has been set aside by companies
for deserving minority students are either collecting dust of or being
returned to businesses because of a lack of interest.

The following is a list of scholarships and their Web addresses to pass
along to friends and family members with college-bound kids so that this
free money will not go to waste.

1) Bell Labs Fellowships for under-represented minorities

2) Student Inventors Scholarships

3) Student Video Scholarships

4) Coca-Cola Two-Year College Scholarships

5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships

6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships

7) Brand Essay Competition

8) Gates Millennium Scholarships

9) Xerox Scholarships for Students

10) Sports Scholarships and Internships

11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)

12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)

13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

14) Fin Aid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid Scholarships <>

15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships

16) Microsoft Scholarship Program

17) Wired Scholar Free Scholarship Search

18) Hope Scholarships & Lifetime Credits

19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority

20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships

21) Guaranteed Scholarships

22) BOEING scholarships

23) Easley National Scholarship Program

24) Maryland Artists Scholarships

25) Historically Black College & University Scholarships

26) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students

27) International Students Scholarships & Aid Help

28) College Board Scholarship Search

29) Burger King Scholarship Program

30) Siemens Westinghouse Competition

31) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds

32) CollegeNet's S cholarship Database

33) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid

34) Federal Scholarships & Aid Gateways 25 Scholarships

35) Scholarship & Financial Aid Help

36) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group)

37) FAFSA On The Web

38) Aid & Resources For Re-Entry Students

39) Scholarships and Fellowships

40) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies

41) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships

42) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

43) INROADS internships

44) ACT-SO "Olympics of the Mind" Scholarships

45) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships

46) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

47) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide

48) Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford

49) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund <>

This announcement was sent through Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon's
Office of Diversity Affairs. Please direct your questions to the contact
information in the document above.

Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon's Office of Diversity Affairs sends out
a daily announcement to various community organizations and individuals who
might be interested in announcements relating to our office or events in the

The announcements sent out meet one of the following criteria:

- An event /service of a minimum cost that will promote and support diversity within Salt Lake County.

- A minimum cost event that is educational and or cultural

- An educational workshop, seminar or conference that promotes and supports diversity

- A Government sponsored program that promotes and supports diversity.

- A job announcement to reach under-represented communities

- A fundraising event sponsored by a non-profit 501 c-3 organization that provides services and information related to our office's mission.

If you or your organization has an announcement as described above please send it to the Office of Diversity Affairs,
. Please send your information as early as possible (Please no later than 2 weeks prior to the event!). Include a contact name, phone number and email address (website is optional)

Any organization or individual that would like to be added to this email list please contact the Office of Diversity Affairs,

If you would like to be removed from this email list please go to the very
bottom of this email and "unsubscribe"

Rebecca L Sanchez
Office of Mayor Peter Corroon
Diversity Affairs Specialist
2001 South State Street, Ste N-1001
Salt Lake City, UT 84190-1020
801-330-6083 cell
801-468-3535 fax


FoST Activities

FoST has been very busy since 2002 in research, development, dissemination, demonstration and promotion of easily adaptable environment-friendly sustainable technologies matched with the rural economy, culture, education, natural resources for improving quality of life as well as empowering rural community in Nepal.

2008 Activities

April 22, 2008 - Proceeding to Pokhara to organize a fuel briquette making training workshop for the 20 workers in 5-star hotel, Fulbari Resort & Spa in Pokhara. FoST team will be there for about a week.

April 9-11, 2008 - Demonstrated fuel briquettes as village fuel in Financing Village-level Energy Development Workshop organized by ADB, GVEP International and FDC in Manila from

March 25-29, 2008 - Organized fuel briquette making training workshop Kabul sponsored by EDC Program of Colorado University in coordinating with Oxus Technical Group in Kabul

March 15-17, 2008 - Organized solar cooking, solar cooker building and solar drying for the 30 students and housewives of Sundarijal and Nayapati VDCs from sponsored by the Rotary Club of Los Altos, CA.

Pulping PaperDecember 28, 2007 - January 26, 2008– Accomplished a month-long assignment for fabricating fuel briquette press and organizing a four-day briquette making training workshop in Cambodia sponsored by Kari Grady Grossman from December 28th, 2007 to January 26th, 2008. Please visit the website,

2007 Activities

December 9-11, 2007 - Organized briquette making training workshop from waste materials at FoST, Thamel for the communities (36) of Nayapati and Sundarijal VDCs in Kathmandu sponsored by the Rotary Club of Los Altos, CA.

August/September, 2007 – Launched stove program in Sundarijal for 100 families under the funding source of Challenge us bvba, Belgium

July 2007 - Mission from One Planet Picture to make a documentary film on FoST activities for the World Challenge 2007 Awards.

June 14-17, 2007– Organized 4-days solar cooking and solar cooker building workshops for the students of Pragya English Boarding Highschool, Galkopakha. Sponsored by Peter Erwin and Brea Thomas of San Francisco, CA.

Kathmandu Valley Style

Choegyal, Lisa & Potton, Craig & Rana, Gautam SJB
10 x 10.75", 186 pp., more than 200 color illustrations, cloth, d.j., Chicago, 2008.

Nepal is widely acclaimed for its unique art and architectural styles. The ancient palaces, temples, courtyards and streetscapes of Kathmandu Valley are protected as no less than seven World Heritage Sites. Shrines are worshipped daily as part of Nepal’s vibrant living heritage. Recent efforts to preserve the architectural heritage of Kathmandu have carefully and authentically restored many of the Valley’s important public monuments.

Lesser known are the recent imaginative and adaptive use of Nepali architecture and decorative styles into new buildings and private homes. Kathmandu Valley Style captures the wealth of the past and illustrates how influences from the Malla Newar, Tibetan and Rana architecture have been incorporated into present-day buildings and lifestyles. Using traditional themes and building techniques in the restored historic and new structures has breathed fresh life into Kathmandu’s rich living cultural heritage, and provided additional attractions for visitors.

Kathmandu Valley Style features over 40 historic and new buildings, many of them never before photographed or published. Reinforcing national pride in Nepal’s vernacular architecture, this unique collection demonstrates how traditional art and architecture can be successfully incorporated into homes for today’s changing world. The book will appeal to residents, visitors, tourists, and all who love Nepal, as well as devotees of fine books on art, architecture, and interior design.

Price $65.00
Item # 35220
ISBN 9781932476347
Serindia Publications


2008 US City Sustainability Rankings

Cities are listed by their 2008 Rankings order.

1. Portland, OR (1)

2. San Francisco, CA (2)

3. Seattle, WA (3)

4. Chicago, IL (4)

5. New York, NY (6)

6. Boston, MA (7)

7. Minneapolis, MN (10)

8. Philadelphia, PA (8)

9. Oakland, CA (5)

10. Baltimore, MD (11)



Creating the future - A Global Vision for Young Tibetans Conference

09th to 14th February, 2009. Asia Plateau, Panchghani

ENVISION is organising "A Global Vision for Young Tibetans Conference" at Asia Plateau, Panchghani from 09th to 14th February 2009.

Opening ceremony & inauguration:

04.00 pm, Feb. 9, 2009: Closing ceremony: 10.30 am, Feb. 14, 2009

Eligibility criteria:

  • Age: 18-30:
  • Open to university graduates & under-graduates, graduate job seekers & young entrepreneurs.
  • A basic knowledge of English is essential.
  • Registration fees of Rs.500/- is compulsory to confirm your booking.


One way travel expenses and conference fees including food and accommodation during the entire programme will be covered by ENVISION.

Application Submission Deadline:

January 05, 2009

Submit your applications:

Send your CV along with PP size photo to:

Empowering the Vision Project
J-50, Jorbagh Lane
B.K. Dutt Colony
New Delhi- 110003
Phone: 011- 24641250/ 24641251
Mobile: 9811070577
Email: or


Empowering the Vision Project (ENVISION) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation based in New Delhi, India. ENVISION aims to support, motivate and empower young Tibetans to take their place in the community with dynamism, specialised skills, good careers and entrepreneurship. ENVISION further aims to provide exposure, build confidence, and provide career guidance and training opportunities for Tibetans in India.